Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weekend Fun!

September 20, 2008

LSU game day! Saturday morning....that means donuts! Louis found some crumbs under his high chair! Louis and I went shopping for the game day food! Thomas and Will worked in the yard while we were gone. At 2:30, we put the ribs on the grill so that they would be ready when we got back from the Bon Ton Festival.

The festival was in Carylss, LA at St. Theresa's Catholic Church. The boys have so much fun each year, but this year...Louis will remember it! Will rode everything he was tall enough to ride! Louis slept the first hour. He was saving his energy for later!

Will loved the ferris wheel, train ride, bumper cars, boats, helicopter ride, and trying to win a rabbit! What would we do with a rabbit in Houston? HA! Will wanted to bring him home and let him sleep with Charlie (our golden). Here are some pictures of the boys having so much fun.

We went to mass at St. Theresa' was outdoors under the big arena. It was a nice mass and we had cool breeze. We stood on the rocks for mass, they thought it was so neat! After mass, Will and Louis were so hungry. Who doesn't like carnival food? They wanted hotdogs, popcorn, cotton candy, and you name it.
We found a shady spot to eat and Will found a tree to climb! Louis ate three, yes three hotdogs! His little tummy is like Mary Poppins' never ends!

Well, we didn't come home with a rabbit, but we did come home with a blow up gun and a rubber duckie! Will won these at the fishing booth!

Monday, September 15, 2008


September 12, 2008

Another hurricane has come and gone! This time we decided to stay in Lake Charles and weather the storm. The boys thought it was a slumber party because Gran (Patsy Miller) came to spend the night. We stocked up on all the necessities: water, canned goods, batteries, food, meat to grill, and 4 gallons of milk...just in case Louis ran out!

We lost power about 11:30PM Friday night. By morning, it started to get warm, so we went to Nana and Pop Pop's house (Thomas' parents - Pat and Patty...they never lost power) and ate delicious homemade blueberry waffles. Will and Louis had some much fun playing with the uncles - Drew, Ben, and Chris! Our electricity returned shortly after lunch.

We had no damage or flooding to our home! Just a few branches that fell. We are so fortunate and very blessed. Here are some pictures of the boys helping to pick up the yard. Will, Louis, and Charlie (our pup) had a great time racing up and down the flat bed! Enjoy the pictures!

Monday, September 8, 2008

September 2008

September 8, 2008
Hello everyone! Today was Thomas' first official day to work in Houston. He woke up very early here in Lake Charles to drive over to Houston this morning for his first day! We are so proud of him!

September 6, 2008

Other than Gustav, we had two other visitors come by our home. Gran brought over two baby chicks from my grandparent's house for Will and Louis to play with(and return)! Will carried them all over the yard in the bucket. They had the chance to visit the concrete, his John Deere gator seat, the slide, the picnic table, the yellow tub, and the trampoline. Louis had fun picking them up....even though he wasn't so gentle! He is learning and was patting their little backs quickly!

Waiting for the Ice Cream Lady! It seems that the boys have learned the sound of the Ice Cream Ladies Truck when it is two miles down the road. As soon as Will hears her tune...he comes running for some cash yelling, "The Ice Cream Lady is coming!" Will usually mentions the word, Popsicle....and Louis' eyes light up! Here are some pictures of them enjoying their cool treats!

September 2, 2008
Well, we evacuated to Marianna, Arkansas as Hurricane Gustav headed towards Lake Charles! They boys that it was vacation time again! Thomas' grandparents - MeMaw and Pop Pop welcomed us with open arms and great southern hospitality! The boys had so much fun playing with toys that Thomas played with as a child. Luckily, we returned home with no damage!

William Paul

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Louis Edward

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Simon Thomas

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thomas and Lori Anniversary

Daisypath Anniversary tickers