Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Quick Update

Wednesday, February 24, 2010:

It seems that we have been busier than I thought. Our sweet Brown Baby #3 is 10 inches long and its amazing to be able to feel him moving all about...but no hokey poky yet! We are very excited and can't wait to meet him!

Louis is loving his new school and his new friends. He is always laughing and has the best little personality. The owner and principal of his school asked us if they could use Louis for their COVER and inside spread of the KATY LIVING MAGAZINE. As you can see he did great! And best of all...he hasn't been sick in almost 2 months (knock on wood). Now, if I can just keep him out of the slim Jim's :-)
Will is still enjoying his friends and Kindergarten to its max. His reading is excelling and he is just soaking up everything! His rewards lately have been book and he is just my super star! He has had a couple play dates after school at our house and gone to his friends Tyler's house to play this past Saturday after T Ball.

Spring Ball season has started even though it has been so cold!Here are some pictures of Will at his Valentines Day party, Valentine weekend; at the lake; at the pond; and enjoying hopefully the last bit of snow in Houston! WE ARE READY FOR SPRING!

Last bit of may not see it though :-)


Louis at the pond by our house.

Being adventurous.

Louis and Mommy at the pond while the big boys went golfing!

Louis at La Centerra after finishing his cookie!

William rolling down the hill by the lake in our neighborhood! SO FUN!

My friend Christa made these awesome cookies for both of the boys Valentines Day Parties!

Muscle Man during his Valentines Day party!

Louis' closeup in the Katy Living Magazine

Inside spread!
The cover. Louis is right in the front in the green shirt.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Louis' Room!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010:
As we begin planning for the arrival of Brown Baby Boy #3...I am redecorating and turning Louis' room into a "bigger" little boy room! I showed him the trains, firetrucks and pirates and of course he wanted the firetrucks! Lucky for me, his bathroom already has the firetruck decor so it will transition nicely! We love you big brother Louis!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

100th Day of Kindergarten

Tuesday, February 9, 2010:

Here is "Old Man William" as he calls himself. Today is the 100th day of Kindergarten! He has been super excited about this for a week now. He had a ball yesterday at Party City. We found gray spray paint for his hair. His hair is so light that it just soaked up that gray color! He also found an over the hill squeaky walking stick that cracked me up so I had to let him get it. Look carefully...there is a horn, caution sign, dentures, magnifying glass, a medicine bottle (which he put candy in :-), etc. He picked out these crazy blue glasses to wear along with on of Thomas' shirts and old ties! He looked so adorable and old!

All of the Kindergartners and their teachers are dressing up as 100 year old ladies and gentlemen for the day. They also got to choose 100 items to bring that are about the size of a cheerio to use throughout the day for various 100th day activities. He brought 100 popcorn kernels and 100 blue beads because he couldn't decide!

It was so funny to see them dressed up as little old munchkins. They were greeting each other and saying good morning in their sweet little voices. The girls looked precious too! Some of them had roller in their hair, wigs, smugged lipstick, robes, etc!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Amazing Weekend!

Monday, February 8, 2010:

What a perfect weekend! The weather was so beautiful Saturday morning so we decided to head to the Zoo for the day.

We got back after lunch and able to get so much done! We washed and waxed my car, changed the oil, rode bikes, took Charlie for a walk, played with our neighbor friemds, and went to a birthday party!

Sunday we went to early mass and cheered on our SAINTS! The boys ordered a Manglomo pizza for dinner it was amazing and always a huge sight to see! Here a few pictures of our sweet boys...hope you enjoy:-)

Louis and Will at the zoo!

A favorite friend at the zoo!

Looking at the spiders!

A must each trip to the never gets old and always put a smile on their faces:-)

Watching the elephants get their morning baths!

Louis hamming it up!

Thomas and Will two of the three peas!

I think this was an illegal move and very dangerous! I didn't see this but Thomas caught him in the act ;-)

Will and Louis helping Thomas change the oil in my car!

Maybe too much help!


Monday, February 1, 2010

Weekend full of Science!

Monday, February 1, 2010:

We have had such a fun weekend full of science and explorations. Friday and Saturday night the boys "camped out" in the living room and had a blast. It was almost too cold to play outside so...Saturday the boys made rock crystals and test for acids and bases with dad in the workshop! Sunday we went to early mass, lunch at canes, a trip to babies r us and spent the rest of the afternoon at the Children's museum.

We are now offically member of the Children's Museum of Houston! Yay! The boys are super excited. This is our second year membership to the zoo so now we can have another place to visit more often. Looking forward to making many new memories with our boys! Here are a few pictures! Enjoy!
Phone Robot built out of old phones!

Louis looking cool!

Louis deciding which tube has the highest viscosity!

Louis loving those magnets!!!

Will and Louis the conductors!!!

Thomas and Will working the pulleys!

We couldn't get him away from the water and it was freezing!
Face painting! Louis the mouse and Will?!? he is such a creative little guy!

Will's rocket about to launch! His favorite part of the museum!
Relaunced about 25 times!
Louis' turn! GO Lou!

Saying a big "cheese" and thanks to mom and dad!

Louis trying everything out!

Crossing the bridge!

My sweet silly boys and mom!

Will on the rock wall...

William Paul

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Louis Edward

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Simon Thomas

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thomas and Lori Anniversary

Daisypath Anniversary tickers